Planning a Green Wedding?

Enjoy an environmentally friendly, green wedding.  Bonshaw Tower has  its own micro hydro-electric generation system powered from the Caul Burn beside the Tower. The micro hydro-electric scheme provides enough power for ceremonies, the house and when is not being used is fed into the National Grid.

The Tower is also heated entirely by a biomass boiler that burns logs from the estate and other local sources.  All our waste is fully recycled.

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Set amongst ancient woodlands, the gardens are enjoying a renewed focus that includes planting large areas of native roses, wild grasses and flowers.

All these measures help to reduce the environmental impact of your event.  Enjoy your big day in a beautiful, natural location with a clear conscience!

Bonshaw Towerthe perfect place for a green wedding!

Comments 1

  1. Post

    Dear Shirley,
    Please let us know when you would like to visit and we will accommodate this.
    Kind Regards
    Chris and Claire

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